DH and I have made a habit of saving enough of our vacation to take the time between Christmas and New Year's off. We started when DD left home and started dancing professionally. If she can come home for Christmas it is usually that week. This year vacation turned out to be not much of a vacation. Day 1 we made a nice
long list of all we planned to do during our week off. Day 2 got up and started on our list. DH got as far as vacuuming the kitchen and then started feeling sick. Runny nose, swollen glands, sneezing and decided he needed to sit down for a while. Yeah sure! He just didn't want to finish vacuuming. I kept going. Took apart the stove and thoroughly cleaned it. Cleaned out the fridge. Wiped down the counter tops and was really feeling good about my progress when guess what
I started feeling a little crappy myself.
Hmmm, maybe he wasn't just sick of vacuuming. Long story really short no further items were completed from our list. New Years day was spent in the Emergency room where DH received multiple breathing treatments and his breathing wouldn't loosen. They ended up keeping him overnight in the ICU and I went home to try and get some rest to get better myself. He came home yesterday with a diagnosis of asthmatic bronchitis, 4 new medications and feeling enough better to finally get a good night's sleep last night. He woke up feeling enough better to take me to my Dr. today. I came home with a diagnosis of a virus and 3 new medications that made me feel enough better to get some rest this afternoon.

Both of us missed our first day back to work of the new year, but are hopefully on the mend.
Now for my wonderful
SSCS package. My partner
Sandy sent me some beautiful gifts. Love, love, love them. Look at these adorable buttons. Think she might have read my blog and realized how much I like bears? I need to make something special enough to use them. Which probably means I will save them forever.
I have been noticing bags

like this on other blogs and have been wanting to make one for myself. Sandy saved me the work. She does beautiful stitchery and I am not that good at it. Huge win for me! I also have this gorgeous stocking for decoration for next Christmas.
I do really love all of my gifts and I am sorry Sandy that I didn't post them earlier. Everything just sort of went on hold around here when we both got so sick. You should see what the house looks like. :-\ Actually, no one should see that.