
My Photo
Location: Maine, United States

I am a 40 something year old mother of 2. I have always been interested in crafts since my sister and I spent summer weeks with my Grandmother, who was a very crafty lady, while my mother was in college. I mostly quilt since I seem to have an obsession with owning large quantities of fabric, but at one point or another think I have tried almost every craft out there.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

last day of 2009

I needed to get in one more blog post for 2009. It was another pretty good month as far as finishes go. The OPAM challenge really worked out for me this year and I am going to resolve to do it again in 2010. I am a lister and if felt so good posting my list of finishes every month. I think it really helped my motivation.
When I posted this picture of the socks I made for my niece, DD saw them and decided she wanted a pair too. I had offered to make her a pair last year when she was home for Christmas, but she wasn't interested then. I had to quickly finish up this tweed pair I was making for myself to free up my needles. I found this new yarn by Deborah Norville with bamboo that is so soft. I thought the colors would be good for DD.
It was a pretty knitty Christmas. I made my nephew a hat and scarf. DH liked them so I guess I have another set in my future. My niece got aforementioned socks and a bamboo lace scarf. I used another nice bamboo yarn. I like knitting with bamboo. It's so soft and if you knit and haven't tried bamboo yarn you really should.
As a bonus, it's also a nice, very sustainable, green product
(although so is wool.) ;-)
My last finish was for my beautiful, delicate DD, the ballerina . She has developed a fondness for skulls. It used to be nice, pretty dragonflies. Not sure what changed, but for the last few years it's been skulls. She didn't come home for Christmas this year so instead of sending her stocking I made her this bag with a skull applique and filled it with her stocking stuff. Not very Christmasy, but it'll be useful after the season. I think it's about the right size for pointe shoes.
One of my New Year resolutions is going to be blog more often. I have been letting life get the best of me, but I am going to work very hard to keep that from happening next year. April and I have signed up for our local Jo Morton club. This should help. I haven't done much but work since we moved. The transition to working in an office hasn't been terribly smooth. This year I am going to get a better balance.

Monday, December 07, 2009


I am horribly behind. I have been thinking about all the things I need to blog about, but never actually setting fingers to keyboard. Since DH left I have been having a terrible time finding my motivation. It's very lonely. :-(
Lets start with my quilt. I was going to wait until I got it bound before I posted, but who knows when I will get around to that! I got my quilt back from the longarm quilter and I am very happy with the results. I have had this top hanging around for a couple of years waiting to have the time or the money to get it quilted. She was offering a sale so I jumped on it. Now I wonder how long it is going to take me to get this bound.
Next we will move on to my Advent Swap. This was a great idea. My friend April and I have decided we are going to do one for each other next Christmas. That is going to be so fun because buying things for April is like buying things for myself. ;) My partner this year is Jenny from New Zealand and opening my daily gift has become part of my morning routine. Here is my haul so far. I hope Jenny is enjoying what I sent her as much as I am enjoying what she sent.
My SSCS has arrived as well. My Santa this year is Christine. I've been reading her blog for quite some time and admire her beautiful work. She made me the cutest little bird ornament. I don't feel it is just for Christmas at all. I'm keeping it out all year round. I am excited about opening my gift, but my Advent gifts are helping to reduce the temptation to cheat and open early.