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Location: Maine, United States

I am a 40 something year old mother of 2. I have always been interested in crafts since my sister and I spent summer weeks with my Grandmother, who was a very crafty lady, while my mother was in college. I mostly quilt since I seem to have an obsession with owning large quantities of fabric, but at one point or another think I have tried almost every craft out there.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

final opam for june

I have not been the most motivated person lately and I have been seriously slacking on my blog. When I logged into my blog reader today I had almost 400 posts to read. It has been raining here for weeks and weeks with the odd half sunny day. All that rain really starts to work on your mood. I think I have decided to move to Seattle to get away from rain. ;D
Here are the finished socks from my last post. They only ended up taking me about a week and a half to complete. I'm about 5 inches into another pair. I had a Microsoft Roadshow presentation to go to for a full day 2 weeks ago. I debated with myself if it would be appropriate to knit while they were presenting. I decided that if I could do it discreetly I would give it a shot. The coworker I was with and I found seats not right at the front but still with a good view and knit while we were waiting for them to get started. I then looked a couple of rows back and there was another woman knitting mittens. I felt so much more comfortable about it. I actually find it easier to pay attention when my hands are busy and the presenters didn't seem to mind at all. I felt like I had accomplished a lot at the end of the day. I had some work questions cleared up in my mind and I had knit about 6 inches on my socks. I love multitasking.
Despite all the rain my garden is looking pretty good. It loved our mostly sunny Saturday this past weekend. Other people I know have had their entire gardens rot because it has been so wet. I think mine is saved by being raised. I have 1 of those Topsy Turvy planters on the far right in the tree. We only bought 1 because we didn't know how it would do. I planted a tomato in it and it is doing much better than the seedlings I planted in the garden from the same pack. If I had known how well they would do I would have bought a couple more.


Blogger Paula, the quilter said...

I knit whenever I get a chance. My boss and I share a computer, so when he is on it, I knit.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Libby said...

Your garden is looking great. I have become a true believer in the raised bed.

Now that I'm going to be where knitted goods are useful, I hope to learn how to knit. I love to keep my hands busy. Keeps my fingers out of the treat jar *s*

10:06 PM  

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