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Location: Maine, United States

I am a 40 something year old mother of 2. I have always been interested in crafts since my sister and I spent summer weeks with my Grandmother, who was a very crafty lady, while my mother was in college. I mostly quilt since I seem to have an obsession with owning large quantities of fabric, but at one point or another think I have tried almost every craft out there.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

spa weekend

April and I had a GREAT day at New England Textile Arts SPA weekend yesterday. There was knitting, spinning, shopping, a little weaving, massages, manicures and pedicures. We weren't quite sure what to expect having never gone before. It was all very informal. If you want to teach something you post to a bulletin board when and where and then people just show up and join in. There were informal groups knitting and spinning together all over the place.
After we checked out the vendors, we sat in on a two at a time socks demo. It was slightly different than the way I do it. I like to learn different techniques in case they are better than the way I know. I like mine better.
After lunch we wandered around and networked with people doing interesting things. We met one woman who was hand knotting an oriental rug. She showed us the stitch and the process she goes through. OH MY! The one she was working on for her DH, about 2 by 3.5 feet, she figured would take her more than 14,000 individual knot stitches. I do not have the patience, and I have no desire whatsoever to take up hand knotting oriental rugs. I have no idea when I would fit that in between all my other projects.
I have to say, I showed tremendous restraint in the vendor section. I bought this one little skein of sock yarn. I have so much yarn and so many projects I figured I didn't need to add to it.
My day yesterday motivated me to do some crafting today. If I hadn't had to spend some time preparing for a possible power outage from the big storm heading our way I would have gotten more accomplished. I started and almost finished a hat for myself (knitting in the car on the way to stock up on groceries). I also worked some more on my coworkers MIL's quilt. Stashbusting! :-)
Fabric in this week: 0
Fabric out this week: 2.125 yards
Fabric in ytd: 8
Fabric out ytd: 10.875


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh this sounds so nice. I am craving a visit to a knit/yarn shop as it's been years, and I wasn't knitting then, and now that I'm am learning (emphasis on learning!) I just want to go see all the various yarns and needles and see it all!

7:37 AM  
Blogger Howdy said...

That sounds like a fun event!! Glad the storm waited until y'all were finished - hope you don't get too much snow dumped on today.

Just one thing that really gives me the shivers... are ya knitting in a car with an air bag?? If so you might want to sit in the back if you are going to knit in the car... I can't help but wonder just where are those needles going to go if the airbag goes off?? My husband spent the whole trip to TX one summer in the back seat because he wanted to use his laptop.

8:44 AM  
Blogger YankeeQuilter said...

That sounds like a really fun event! I would not have the same amount of restraint in the vendor area though...

10:40 AM  
Blogger Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I hope you didn't get as much snow as we did in NH. We ended up with almost 16 inches! This better be it for the winter-NO MORE SNOW.

6:47 PM  

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