longarm quilters look away
My niece's quilt is all ready for the binding then I can get it wrapped up for Christmas. That will complete my commitment for project finishes for the challenge. Everything from there out is icing on the cake. :D
I also completed: my SSCS for my partner in Chookyblue's swap; something for another Christmas swap I am doing; and some sock knitting for me. I can't post pictures of the presents until after they are opened, but April really likes them so I am hoping my partners will as well.
I also taught April how to knit cables. She was so excited. I sent her off happily knitting a 3 cable Irish Hiking scarf.
I had a really hard time going to work this morning. It was so much more fun sewing and hanging out.
Both quilts look wonderful to me. The baby one is so sweet.
How fun to have the chance to play on a longarm. I think your quilting looks just lovely!
Both quilts look great, with wonderful quilting jobs.
I love the title of this post!!!
I have wanted to make a shadow quilt for a long time. This one looks great. I have had a fear of chosing the wrong shadow fabric. I nover thought of black. Well duh! It looks fabulous!!
Your shadow quilt is wonderful - that might be just the design I was needing for my nephew's quilt! Your quilting looks great as well.
YOU see the imperfections of the quilting because you did it and you had your nose about 5" from it I guess! We don´t! And from our side both quilts look wonderful. I love the swirls of the shadow quilt. And 2 tops quilted feel great, doesn´t it?
I admire you for teaching knitting. And I am very happy that knitting seems to be in again.
Take care.
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